Thursday, July 21, 2005

London, Roberts, and Rove... OH MY!

There are plenty of places to catch coverage of the latest London bombings... I've been following along mostly here and here and here. It sounds like the fellows who tried to pull this one off were not only misguided, evil, and insane... but downright lazy. Or maybe dumb or ill equipped to pull off mass murder, because it appears their devices didn't work. At least, didn't work to the extent they were intended to.

While this is better for London than the alternative, it's cold comfort to say the least. What to do about suicide bombers bent on shredding your populace and striking fear into the hearts of millions? Fuck if I know. No one elected me for anything, so it isn't my job to figure it out. Blair... Bush... I'm looking at you two. Snap to it.

I'm a fan of The Moose. He's got the nail squarely within the sites of the hammer on this whole Roberts nomination issue:

Smart conservatives who aren't shills for the Bushies have every reason to be concerned about Roberts. He may very well be a right-to-lifer. His wife is and that is significant in pro-life circles. But if Roberts agrees with his wife, why is he afraid to say it? If asked by Senators, he would readily answer whether he was against child abuse or slavery. Why not mass murder (if you accept that premise about abortion)?


Finally, I've been following Plamegate/Wilsongate/Leakgate/Whateverthefuckgate and while I think some on the left are drooling a little heavily here, it is nice to finally see that sumbitch Rove beginning to get what's coming to him. I can't even go on about it, because I'm too excited about what will all fall into place. I get the feeling we on the left won't really have to work too hard at the start here... just let the facts come out, then Roveinate Rove himself by spinning that shit so fast it'll tye-die his triple chins.

I can't wait.


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